PBTfans Pelican R2

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Pelicans (genus Pelecanus) are a genus of large water birds that make up the family Pelecanidae.
They are characterized by a long beak and a large throat pouch used for catching prey and draining water from the scooped-up contents before swallowing.
The colorway inspiration was captured from the Pelican standing on the lake at sunset.
I pick yellow to represent its significant beak, black and beige for the feather, and pink for unnoticeable details.
The Pelican looks so good under the sunset, providing a remain aloof-from-the-world vibe without opening its beak.

Deskmat Specs

  • Measurement: 803 mm x 273 mm x 4 mm(±1cm tolerance)
  • Production Method: printed over the edge
  • Texture: Hybrid Textured Cloth, rough surface


  • To be updated


  • Material: ABS material
  • Profile: Cherry profile
  • Production Method: Doubleshot
  • Manufacturer: PBTfans
  • Packaging: ABS keycaps tray with designed tray cover
  • Friendly Reminds: Only keycaps included, no keyboard
  • Compatibility: Cherry MX switches and MX-style clones
  • Designer: oay

Quality standard

  • PBTfans Keycap QC Standard: Link


  • To be updated